Egg and Bacon Pie

Yesterday I had one of the most guiltily delicious Sunday breakfasts for ages! When, during one of my visits to The Cottage Smallholder blog, I stumbled upon the Egg and Bacon Pie recipe, I felt at once it would be a Sunday breakfast hit. I did the grocery shopping and waited impatiently for the weekend. With its few ingredients, its scrumptious taste and seductive looks, this pie is as good as it is simple and would certainly embarrass anyone who denigrates or ignores the British cuisine. The bacon and the number of eggs might seem scary at the beginning, but the first bite makes one forget the cholesterol, the calories and all the guilt.

Since the unsmoked bacon (listed in the original recipe) was very fatty, I opted for the smoked one and the result was wonderful too. I have only slightly modified the recipe, halved the amount of ingredients and baked the pie in a small tart dish. Apart from a nourishing breakfast, I agree with the Cottage Smallholder‘s author, this pie would make a perfect picnic dish and I already see it as a great teatime filling snack, a travel alternative to sandwiches or an efficient hangover comforting dish…

Preparation: 1 hour

Ingredients (serves 2 starving, late Sunday breakfasters):

1 shortcrust pastry sheet (mine weighed 230g)

6 eggs

200 g bacon (sliced)


(I haven’t used any salt since my bacon was already very salty)

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Fry the bacon on both sides.

Line a buttered pie dish with half of the pastry sheet.

Break 3 eggs over the pastry case trying not to destroy the yolks.

Season with ground pepper.

Put the bacon slices over the eggs.

Finish the filling with the remaining eggs (still not destroying the yolks) and add a bit more pepper.

Cover the pie with the remaining pastry, pinching on the borders.

Make small holes in the pastry lid with a knife or a fork.

Bake for 40-50 minutes until golden.

Served alone (hot or cold) or with a green salad.

6 Replies to “Egg and Bacon Pie”

  1. Niezwykle sloneczny ‘pie’! Uwielbiam tego typu wytrawne wypieki 🙂
    (wybacz, ze nie pisze po angielsku… jesli juz, to wole po francusku jednak ;))

    Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

    I ciesze sie, ze do mnie trafilas (a przy okazji ja do Ciebie ;)).

    1. Dziekuje! Ja tez sie bardzo ciesze, ze Cie znalazlam! I bardzo sie uciesze z komentarzy i po polsku i po francusku! Najwazniejsze, ze sie zrozumiemy.

        1. Dzieki! U nas jest baaaaardzo slonecznie!!!! Tez Ci zycze milego dnia (mimo, ze to poniedzialek 😉

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