Passion Fruit Daiquiri

When Kelly, from Inspired Edibles, posted her beautiful Lemon Passion Fruit Pannacotta, I realised that even though I loved the passion fruit taste, I have never bought it, not to mention cooking with it. Passion fruit or maracuja (Passiflora edulis) is native to Southern America, but is nowadays cultivated in many warm countries and available all around the world. There are two main types: yellow (bigger) and dark purple (smaller), but only the latter is available where I live. It doesn’t look very appealing from the exterior. The skin is hard, very dark and doesn’t have any aroma (at least when it arrives to Europe). The interior is however amazing: sunny yellow flesh with green seeds, an enticing aroma and sweet, but slightly tart taste.

Passion fruits I had bought waited at least a week in my kitchen before, finally, on a Friday night, when my husband asked me what cocktail I wanted, I knew I would not cook or bake with them, but simply drink them. Browsing through the surprisingly big number of passion fruit cocktails, I have chosen Passion Fruit Daiquiri, found on Mix, Shake and Pour.

The rum and passion fruit combination proved stunningly good. The drink is exactly what I enjoy most: rather strong, not very sweet and with a slightly tart note. Not to mention the enticing aroma and the yellow hue and the pleasure of eating leftover seeds, soaked in rum. Since passion fruits are available in my city all year round, I already feel it will become one of my regular drinks. Thank you, Kelly for the inspiration!

TIP: 1 shot= 25 ml or more or less 1 oz

Preparation: 5 minutes

Ingredients (serves 1):

2 shots rum
0.5 shot lime juice
0.5 shot syrup (I have used sugarcane syrup)
2 passion fruits

2-3 ice cubes (+more to put directly in the glass)

Halve the passion fruits and scoop out the flesh with a teaspoon.

Put all the ingredients in a shaker.

Shake well (for at least one minute) and pour into a glass (ideally it should be a martini glass or something similar, but I don’t own such glasses).

You can add more ice if you want.


37 Replies to “Passion Fruit Daiquiri”

  1. Oh, Sissi, thank you so much for the mention and what a recipe you have fashioned here! You know, I really like a touch of rum this time of year… I find it warms my entire body and is the perfect evening drink on a chilly night. The idea of combining it with passion fruit has got me all excited… and look, it’s Friday!! (I’m heading to the fancy produce store this morning! 🙂 Beautiful photo Sissi.

    p.s. I’m with you on the seeds – my husband and I enjoy champagne with pomegranate and the bubbly soaked seeds are our favourite to munch on! Have a great weekend Sissi and thank you again for thinking of me – xo

    1. Kelly, you were my inspiration and I kept on thinking about you while having my first (and second) daiquiri 🙂 I greatly enjoyed fresh fruit cocktails when they were in season (peach, strawberry…) and now I see that even in the Winter there are some jewels I can use instead of bottled juice. I also prefer rum on cold days (hot black tea with rum is an excellent way to pump a bit of energy when I have a cold!). Thank you again for the inspiration and I’m sure I will be thinking about you tonight: passion fruits are already on my shopping list. Have a lovely weekend too!

  2. I probably won’t drink this even at happy hour prices, sorry:( When I was small I ate too many passionfruits, you can guess what happened, and I have been avoiding it since:) Maybe I should give it a try again. I distinctly remember the appeal of the very crunchy seeds. What did you do with the seeds since I can’t see it in the glass. Did you have this for breakfast? Nothing wrong with starting the day on a high note:)

    1. You do realise that “When I was small I ate too many passion fruits” sounds so snobbish to a poor European, born in Europe, where only apples are cheap, and who sometimes has to pay a fortune for three wilted dried passion fruits! Just joking of course 😉
      Thank you for a “high note” breakfast idea, I will remember it next time. Actually I simply ate the seeds just after emptying my glass.

      1. “apples are cheap” – you do realise that …:)
        Regarding your point, its quite valid of course and I didn’t think of it until you mentioned it. We got the passionfruits for free, a relative had a tree. At home we had mango tree, coconut tree etc so these fruits were in abundance but we had to pay a fortune for apples, pears etc. Now I see apples falling in the backward, its free and nobody takes it.
        I’ve never bought passionfruit here, I guess its quite expensive but I imagine there would be lucky people making daiquiris from it and having for breakfast:)

        1. It was just a joke 🙂 I know that apples are very expensive in some countries. I remember envying Hiroyuki for his ume plums in abundance. In the meantime he envied my rhubarb. We would happily exchange them 😉 You know, the grass is always greener…

  3. Ooohh .. I could do with one of these right now! I love passionfruits and we have them in abundance and very affordable. Lovely as jam and in ice cream (so I’ve found out and made) and now a Daiquiri.

    1. Thank you, Ping. I still remember your jam. It would be lovely instead of fresh passion fruits in cocktails too! (I once made a cocktail with leftover apricot jam and it was excellent!).

  4. This is too funny, not the drink itself. But passionfruit is one of the main ingredients in a drink that’s popular in New Orleans and we thought we can’t find those here! This does look wonderful.

    1. Thank you so much, Greg. Now I’m very, very curious (especially if the drink contains alcohol!). Do you remember its name? (I don’t dare asking if you have a recipe…).

  5. I could see serving this at a brunch, it sounds very light and fruity. I’ve not often served rum drinks for a brunch but this just feels citrusy enough! Wonderful recipe!

    1. Thanks, Linda. It is very fruity and now that you say this, I think it would be perfect as a brunch drink.

  6. Sissi, you are so fortunately to have regular access to passion fruits! I grew up at Taiwan and there were abundance of them, but now living at Texas, they are no where to be found! The cocktail sounds amazing!

    1. Thank you so much, Jeno. I usually have access, but yesterday I went to two shops and only found two, almost “dead” ugly passion fruits… so it’s accessible but I’m sure in Taiwan the quality is 100x better (and taste!).

  7. Nomnom, I love passion fruit SO much. It’s the very epitome of “tropical fruit” for me. That and mango 🙂 This looks great Sissi – call me a heathen but I’d be tempted to use coconut rum. I’m not a big drinker of liquor in general, but there’s a few things I like (usually the sort of things which 18-20 year old English girls drink, judging by what I used to serve them when I worked in a bar… don’t know what that says about me – ouch :p )… but anyway… I think the coconut flavour would go really well with the passion fruit.

    By the way – I love your “You might also like:” bit at the bottom of this post. All those beautiful colours. You should make something next with the liqueur “Midori”, the melon stuff, so then you’ll have a nice green there too!

    1. Thank you, Charles. You know, coconut rum is exactly what I liked when I was about 18 😉 Now I prefer drier alcohols and slightly acid drinks. Thank you for the compliments. Colours is something I particularly appreciate in cocktails. I have heard about Midori and I have been meaning to buy it for quite a long time. I will certainly ask you for advice about the mixing ideas. You must have lots of interesting cocktails recipes.

  8. Since I don’t drink and won’t know how delicious this drink can be (I love fruity drink tho), I was going to mention how beautiful your related posts are… look at the colors! Charles just mentioned the same too. I like Charles idea of Midori sour, and maybe some kind of purple drink? Sorry I didn’t mean to make fun of your colorful drinks… 😉 But really, your drinks are beautiful Sissi!

  9. This sounds great! I love passion fruit even though I cannot get fresh ones here. Making cocktails at home seems like a fantastic idea, I should try something similar at the weekend :).

    1. Thank you, CG. We now have here in every supermarket a special “exotic fruit” zone and passion fruits are luckily almost always there.

  10. I’m not a big drinker of cocktails/mixed drinks though the ones you’ve made and posted are all very colourful and probably a lot of fun to drink. I recently had an Amaretto and orange juice at an event my SIL invited me to attend as her ‘plus one’ because I couldn’t think of anything else to order when faced with all those bottles. 🙂

    1. Thank you! I have always liked drinking complicated cocktails with many ingredients, but I admit the ones I make at home are usually quite simple. I don’t have a huge stock of different alcohols to mix…

    1. Dark rum is either very expensive, or low quality or I don’t find it here… I don’t remember why, but I always buy a big bottle of white rum. I will make sure I don’t exaggerate with it, thank you for the warning 🙂

    1. Thank you, Reem. I often also choose drinks by their colour. Blue Fairy is I think my favourite (turquoise drink colour is too irresistible!).

  11. Love passion fruit, and love the idea of putting it in a daiquiri!! Your other drinks look delicious, too (especially the blue fairy 🙂 )

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