Omelette with Feta

This recipe is as simple as its name, but an unforgettable discovery for a feta addict like me. If you open my fridge any day, any time of the year, you will see at least one feta package. I buy them by three because as a feta addict I cannot imagine running out of it or seeing the shop run out of it (which, by the way, happens regularly with mu favourite brand on hot summer days when everyone probably makes a feta salad). I make filo rolls with feta and spinach, I add feta to salads, bean or lentil stews and I dare testing it with dishes from all over the world. This one is probably the easiest and quickest in my collection, but also one of the most delicious things one can do with this exceptional cheese.
I remember I first saw a feta omelette on A_Boleyn’s blog and, I’m almost sure, more than once and I found it an excellent idea every single time. I mentally bookmarked it, but somehow kept on forgetting until recently, when another Greek dish from Vefa’s Kitchen reminded me of A_Boleyn’s recipe. I’d already had omelettes with cheese before, but they were always too greasy and heavy. The feta one is certainly richer in protein and more filling than the “standard” version, but doesn’t feel heavy at all and definitely not fatty! If you have never tried it, believe me: an omelette with this Greek twist is sensational!
TIPS: This is the easiest, most simple folded omelette-making method I know. I have never learnt how to make a fluffy, not browned French-style omelettes one can get in restaurants. You can add feta to any kind of omelette of course.
I always add some turmeric to my omelettes and scrambled eggs. It gives a beautiful yellow hue and is healthy, but feel free to skip it.
Another thing I tried for the first time while making this omelette was adding water to the egg mixture instead of the usual milk. I was surprised to see it really added fluffiness and acted even better than the milk. In short, it was just a humble omelette but a very pleasant culinary discovery for an everyday quick meal.
If you like fiery food, I suggest serving the omelette with some sriracha or peperoncini sott’olio (on the photograph above), an Italian fresh chilli and oil paste.
Preparation: about 15 minutes
Ingredients (serves one):
2 eggs
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced or chopped
50 g feta cheese
salt, pepper (I add only a pinch of salt since feta is very salty)
1/3 teaspoon turmeric
(sriracha or peperoncini sott’olio (Italian fresh chili and oil paste)
parsley, chives or coriander leaves
First prepare the egg mixture. Combine the eggs, the salt, the pepper, the onion and the turmeric. Add four tablespoons of water and mix well with a fork or a whisk. At the end add the feta, roughly crumbled, and stir delicately.
Heat some oil in a pan. Fry the omelet, covered, at low heat until it’s almost set at the top. Fold in two and slide onto a plate. (Or prepare the omelette with the method you prefer).
Sprinkle the omelette with dried oregano, some fresh herb of your choice and, if you like the heat, serve it with sriracha or fresh chilli paste.
This is lovely. I like that you use turmeric in the eggs and also Sriracha to sprinkle on!
Thank you so much, Mimi!
Beautiful dish and plating. I love salty feta crumbled into an omelette or even into scrambled eggs. I wish I had some in the house right now.
Thank you so much, A_Boleyn! Now that you mention scrambled eggs, I think I might have seen these and not the omelette on your blog, nevertheless it was the combination of eggs and feta that inspired me!
Omelettes are my “go to” fast food, I just love them. One of my favourites is a cheese crusted Omelette where you sprinkle the pan with cheese and cook until it bubbles then carefully pour the beaten eggs on top. Do not stir. The cheese crusts the eggs in a very pleasing way, kind of like the end of a good fondue! And it’s not greasy at all.
I usually have feta in my fridge too. In Canada, there are many Canadian-made imposters, called “Greek-style” feta but they are rubbery, tasteless and salty. My favourite is an actual Greek product made from sheep and goats milk; it’s creamy, tangy and only slightly salty. It’s the best and I’m so happy I found a place that sells it for about $5 instead of the $7 it usually is everywhere else. You’ve inspired me to make an omelette for breakfast today!!
Hi Eva, now in Europe it’s forbidden to put the name “feta” on cheese which is not produced in Greece (same goes for Roquefort for example and other protected cheeses), so we always know which one comes from Greece. It’s not obvious however that a Greek feta will be good… some are not great, but I have been buying a Greek organic feta from the same supermarket for years and it’s really good. Lately during a trip to our capital I discovered a small Greek grocery shop and bought there organic feta, but a Greek brand I didn’t know and it was even better than the one I buy. The biggest discovery of this shop was an oak barrel aged feta. It was even a bit “smelly” the way aged cheese smells. I loved it too! (Though I’m not sure if it’s not a new concept in Greece). There is a Greek grocery shop in our city but it has strange opening hours and I never managed to go there, but I hope they sell an equally good brand of feta there!
Thank you so much for the recipe! Your omelette sounds fantastic!
Such a gorgeous omelette! I just love the turmeric tip, it really does come through, the color is brilliant. I’ve never tried adding water (always milk) so now I’m very curious – I’m going to give it a go next time. Just looked up your peperoncini sott’olio; will keep a lookout for it. The chili garlic sauce I use is way too salty though I love the heat! Perfect combination of elements in this omelette Sissi, I could see how it would be unforgettable and appreciate how approachable it is.
Thank you so much, Kelly, for all the compliments! I have a recipe for peperoncini sott’olio here: (I’ve forgotten the link in the text, sorry), but store-bought it also good if you find a good brand!
I am a feta addict too, I always always have feta in the fridge, often the huge cans I buy in the Turkish stores or the regular ones from the supermarket, sheep, cow, goat anything goes. This omelette would make a perfect, healthy breakfast any time.
Thank you, Adina! Isn’t the Turkish cheese slightly different? And it’s not called feta, is it? I’ve seen it here in some shops but never bought it. Maybe I should taste it one day.
I love feta too! What a beautiful photo you made with this omelette. Believe it or not my husband has gotten quite good at making them. His secret is ginger ale. It really does make the omelette extra fluffy! But don’t tell anyone!
Thank you so much, Abbe! And thanks a lot for the tip. I have never even tasted ginger beer… so it sounds very mysterious. I must test it next time!
Every other week I pick up 2 dozen eggs from a local farmer, so I’m always making eggs. Omelets are pretty common but sometimes I think I add too many ingredients. I love the simplicity of yours so I’m feeling the urge to hold back on the mushrooms and spinach. 🙂 Tumeric? Have never considered adding tumeric to eggs. Definitely need to give that a try. Thanks Sissi! BTW – Great photo! Makes me hungry.
Dear MJ, thank you for the compliments! It’s so nice to realise you are not only my chilli/chile soulmate but you seem to eat exactly the same amount of eggs as we do! I always love to see your lovely rich egg dishes! Mine are not even half as exciting! I once added turmeric when my eggs were particularly light in colour and since the colour was lovely and turmeric is apparently healthy, I have been adding it to all my omelettes and scrambled eggs since then.
Feta pairs with almost anything! I love your omelet!
Thank you, Katerina!