Just like every summer, I find it difficult to resist fresh, beautiful vegetables at my farmers’ market and usually end up with huge amounts. Last…
I invented this chutney seven years ago, have been making it every single summer and it’s certainly the preserving recipe I’m most proud of. It’s…
There are so many Japanese potato salad recipes on blogs and websites, often written by Japanese cooks, I hesitated a lot before posting it, but…
Did you know not only the rhizome, but also wasabi stems and leaves are edible? I learnt it several years ago in an izakaya (a…
When I saw Adina’s post (on Where is My Spoon blog) about Brittany Bean Stew, one of my favourite Polish dishes, my beans were in the…
This is my absolute number one red lentil dal and I’m particularly proud to share my enthusiasm with you because it’s my own improvisation, based…
Are you an egg lover? Do you tend to add twice – or thrice – as much onions as written in recipes? If you have…
This was one of earliest recipes on my blog. Some time in 2011. It seems an eternity…. The photograph screamed for an update, so when…
If you think these pickles look and sound familiar, you are right: this is exactly the same recipe I posted seven months ago. I didn’t…
I used to say the best aubergine dishes can be found in Indian cuisine, but after discovering this Sri Lankan curry, I am no longer…