I have finally found a fantastic brand of feta and cannot get enough of it. Although I like it best alone with a piece of…
A bowl of crisp, light but filling salad is one of the best ways to break the monotony of winter soups, stews and to feel…
A good cookery book must have reliable, clearly explained recipes, but, as I realised some time ago, I consider it excellent only when it inspires…
It used to be one of my favourite soups for long years, then I stopped making it and completely forgot about its existence (I blame…
As a novice to the cooking adventures with filo pastry, I constantly look for new challenges involving this wonderful product. Since Katerina’s Spanakopita was my first…
In spite of huge efforts I wasn’t able to make this dish look even half as luscious as it was in reality, so I hope…
I am often anxious that so called “traditional” recipes I present here might be adulterated or even completely false. Not this time. This time I…
Wonton Cups, or Edible Snack Containers Zsuzsa, my blogging friend from Zsuzsa is in the Kitchen, has recently invited me to join her and other…
“Free style”, easy-looking recipes are either a blessing or a curse. I have no idea to which category belongs taramosalata, but I am proud to…