Bok choy (or pak choy) is one of the rare autumn and winter vegetables I always look forward to. As much as I love its…
Thanks to my dear blogging friend MJ and one of her numerous extremely tempting posts praising green chilli (or rather “chile” as they say in New Mexico), I finally embarked…
Browsing through Katerina’s inspiring Culinary Flavors and looking for meat meal ideas, I saw these gorgeous souvlaki. I thought they would be my next meal, but then I noticed the…
Greek spinach or spinach and feta pie is one of the rare vegetarian dishes I am truly fond of. I have recently discovered it tastes even better…
As you might have noticed, I have a soft spot for filo… I have been experimenting constantly with this delicate Greek pastry, especially with roll-shaped…
This shapeless piece of tart might look quite ordinary, but it’s one of the best baked sweet treats I have made in years. Wondering what dessert might bring…
Every year, when I see first chanterelles on the market, I am looking forward to baking my chanterelle and goat cheese tart, the most delicious way I can…
This year, thanks to favourable weather conditions, cherries have appeared in France and Switzerland early, so I have been enjoying them for quite a long…
Whenever I desperately wanted to use one precise food ingredient, I always wished I could look at a cookery book’s index, find a tempting recipe…
In recent years I have been experimenting with green asparagus so often, I have almost forgotten the old monotony of “side-dishy” spears topped with sauce.…