Wild Garlic (Ramsons, Bear’s Garlic) Pillows

Having bought a serious amount of wild garlic and having made a lot of wild garlic pesto, I had been using it mainly as a toast spread or a thick sauce  with grilled chicken, fish and vegetables. Last Saturday I had friends for drinks and absolutely wanted them to taste this aromatic plant.  I thought it would be a good idea to use wild garlic pesto in snacks. I didn’t want to make anything time-consuming, so I took the short pastry I had in the fridge and invented the above wild garlic pillows.

As a reminder, a photo of wild garlic (ramsons) leaves:

Wild garlic pillows were excellent, crunchy snacks and even though I was afraid they would come out very garlicky, they had a very moderate ramsons flavour. These snacks are also a good way to use up leftover pastry and egg yolk.

Special equipment:

pastry brush

if you want to obtain fluted, ravioli-like edges, a fluted pastry cutter (wheel) comes handy; otherwise a simple knife is ok

Preparation: 40-50 minutes


a portion of wild garlic pesto, drained off excess oil (see the recipe here)

short pastry sheet (230g), rolled out

one egg yolk

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Divide the pastry sheet in two.

Cover one half with 3 mm thick pesto layer.

Cover it with the other half and pat slightly to make sure both sides are sealed.

Cut the pesto-stuffed pastry into 2 cm strips lengthwise and then 2 cm strips widthwise, so that you obtain 2 cm x 2 cm squares.

Place the squares on a baking sheet.

Brush them  with the egg yolk and bake until golden (about 20 – 30 minutes).

Serve cooled.

10 Replies to “Wild Garlic (Ramsons, Bear’s Garlic) Pillows”

  1. Swietny pomysl! Bardzo mi sie podoba, moze nawet i w ten weekend zrobie, o ile mi czasu wystarczy, bo jak zwykle – planow wiecej niz godzin do dyspozycji 😉

    Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

    1. Dzieki! ja zawsze jestem dumna jak wymysle cos nowego , co nie wymaga duzo czasu i pracy 😉 Mam nadzieje, ze sie skusisz (i znajdziesz czas 🙂 )

  2. Oczywiscie zapomnialam zameldowac, ze byly pyszne! (do polowy dodalam tez odrobine koziego serka). Dziekuje za inspiracje 🙂

    1. Oj, strasznie sie ciesze!!!! Od takiej mistrzyni jak Ty to ogromny komplement! Kozi ser to fantastyczny pomysl, ciagle mam w lodowce, wiec moze tez sprobuje dodac.

  3. Regardless of the filling, the pillows themselves are beautiful … golden brown and shiny with the pesto peeking out. I’m sure they were very tasty with drinks and a perfect appetizer to your Moroccan meal.

    1. Ignore the Moroccan meal comment, I am also reading Kitcheninspirations at the same time and I got confused as she was also doing pastry bites. 🙂

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